In recent years the Ohia tree has been affected by the wilt virus. In order to protect the future of the Ohia forest, regulations and testing requirements have been enforced by legislation and the Department of Agriculture. We all must do our part to prevent the possible spreading of this unfortunate virus. Outer Island and mainland customers purchasing Ohia products will be subject to a simple permitting and testing process. Hardwoods Hawaii is here to help you every step of the way.

The average lead time for outer island or mainland Ohia orders is 4-6 weeks and is subject to change.
Purchaser must request an inspection via form PQ-7. Please fill in the highlighted areas.
The inspector will collect samples of your Ohia products and send them to the lab.
The cost per sample collection is $125 for the time and mileage of Ag workers and can change without notice.
Once approval is received, sanding, coring, and any other fabrications will be performed.
Sampled and tested Ohia products are taken to the Dept. of Agriculture and tagged for shipping.
Once tagged for shipping, your Ohia products will be on their way to you via water or air freight.
Please allow adequate time for this process, restrictions may apply. Restocking fees apply to canceled orders.